I'm afraid I didn't get much done while he was here, but I am making some progress on the "Sweet Nostalgia" blocks. I have finished designing all 12 of the blocks (unless I change my mind again,lol) and have embroidered 2 of them. I will be able to show you a sneak peak soon.
One thing I did accomplish was to replace the inner border on my "Roses In Dresden" quilt.
Remember, I had sent the quilt up to Vikki to be quilted a while ago, but due to some unforseen events she was delayed in quilting it, fortunately! I had never been happy with the red inner border I had used, and the more I thought about it, the more I disliked it. So, back it came, and some serious "unsewing" was done.
Here are photos of the before and after.
What do you think?
I like it much better now. The red too away from the dresdens. Now you focus on the central flowers.
The before is nice but I love the after. I agree with Dolores! Great job.
Well, I had liked it before but now I see that you did the right thing in taking the red border out.
It looks fabulous now.
Hi Dorothy,
Your new and improved Dresden looks BEAUTIFUL!
I love your designs...
Thank you for visiting and leaving the kind comment. I love hearing from you.
I like it much better too - it just seems to blend better. Lovely design.
so much better!
and I love red, but this quilt looks great without the red..
makes the center more dominate
I like that
great job
I like your version. That is a beautiful quilt, it looks like it took a lot of work.
Hello Dorothy,
I hope you had a great Sunday.
To answer your question, yes, I do use my Bernina to quilt my quilts. In fact, I use my Bernina to quilt all my quilt (including a 94" square quilt I did for Quiltmaker last year). It is really quite doable with the BSR.
Seeing them both side by side I really do like the "after" better. Can't wait to see the quilting when it is done.
Hi Dorothy,
I love that story you shared about your aunt finishing your grandmother's stitcher. That is so precious sweet.
I actually liked the red but also like the green..seriously I love the whole quilt. The green is quieter but the red blended with the roses more.. both look lovely either way.. but a quilters gotta do what a quilters gotta do and if it means unsewing..well it was worth it.. loveley either way
Your instincts are good. I've noticed another quilt where you changed an inner border ( Vintage Tiles) and in both cases, made a big improvement. What a lot of work, unsewing! I'm impressed.
Thank you Joyce. It was a lot of work, but I'm glad I did it.
My instinct at the outset was it wasn't right, but I was trying to force myself to do something different.
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