I'm afraid I didn't get much done while he was here, but I am making some progress on the "Sweet Nostalgia" blocks. I have finished designing all 12 of the blocks (unless I change my mind again,lol) and have embroidered 2 of them. I will be able to show you a sneak peak soon.
One thing I did accomplish was to replace the inner border on my "Roses In Dresden" quilt.
Remember, I had sent the quilt up to Vikki to be quilted a while ago, but due to some unforseen events she was delayed in quilting it, fortunately! I had never been happy with the red inner border I had used, and the more I thought about it, the more I disliked it. So, back it came, and some serious "unsewing" was done.
Here are photos of the before and after.
What do you think?