I'm afraid the window is still pretty dirty, but I really can't get up there to clean it until the robins and babies are gone. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
A friend came to visit the other day and she brought me a surprise. She knew I had always wanted a Singer Featherweight sewing machine. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but maybe on the weekend. This brings my total number of sewing machines to 5. What can I say, it's a sickness!
It's DH birthday today. Because it's so hot we're just going to send out for Chinese food, and DD and husband will come over and celebrate with us. His favorite cake is a storebought one, so I don't even have to bake, much to my daughter's dismay. She and her husband both love my cakes.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Talk to you later.
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