I'm back... No excuses for my long absence, just didn't have much to say.
We were having our basement renovated and it seemed everything was in an upheaval.
I did keep busy though. I set my sewing machine up on the dining room table, the ironing board was in the living room and I did my best to ignore the chaos around me. lol
Here are some photos of recent projects.
This is the quilt I made for my grandson's big boy bed. I made a pillowcase to go with the quilt but forgot to take a photo. It's hard to believe he's two already.
Back of Ayden's quilt |
Front of quilt |
This quilt is quite different from anything I've done before. The colors are so not me, but for some reason the main fabric "spoke" to me. I can't wait to see how it will look once it's quilted.
Haven't got a name for this one yet. |
Our local guild held their show a few weeks ago, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn
my "Dresdens and Dahlias" quilt won a 1st Viewers Choice.
Dresdens and Dahlias |
That's it for now. See you next time.