I know I've been very quiet for the past few months. As some of you know, I've been caring for my Mother for the past few years. With looking after Mom, I'm not able to get out and about too much, so I haven't had much interesting to chat about. But, I have still been quilting, and here are photos of two new designs.
This one is titled "Loves Music, Loves To Dance.

I haven't got a name for this one yet. Any suggestions?
Marina has finished her "Sweet Nostalgia" quilt top, and it looks fabulous. Why don't you pay her a visit and see for yourself. Has anyone else got any photos to share?
Edit: February 7, 2011 - Just a quick note to thank you all for your suggestions for the name of the blue bunny quilt. I've decided to name it "Some Bunny Loves You". How do you like it?